A perfect nocino wine (nociato) | Eatalianwithroberto

2 min readJun 19, 2022

Nociato, or nocino wine, is a liqueur wine that you can obtain by second infusion of green walnuts, into white wine, mostly a pecorino.

A recipe typical from Abruzzo and in general the Appennines, nociato will make for a wonderful alternative to a “passito” to finish your meals in a classy way, but can be also slowly sipped to make your content creation funnier! In Italy we call this “vino da meditazione”… but meditation is not actually involved here, lol.

Nociato is also known as nocino wine, since it is a brilliant idea to give a second life to the walnuts, exhausted from the nocino preparation. You can read here how to make a wonderful nocino (I really mean it!). After filtering the nocino, in your glass jar you will still have a treasure… read below to understand how to take advantage of it!

Homemade nociato (aka nocino wine)

For the detailed step-by-step recipe, please visit:

Buon appetito!

Originally published at https://www.eatalianwithroberto.com on June 19, 2022.

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Italian, in my 40s, in love with literature and cooking. Owner of eatalianwithroberto.com, the blog to share real Italian food!