Pasta alla Norma, the authentic recipe | Eatalianwithroberto

2 min readOct 23, 2022


Pasta alla Norma is one of the most typical pasta from Sicily and combines tomatoes, aubergines, salty ricotta cheese and basil in a triumph of flavors.

You will be surprised to see that Norma is in capital letter, yes, that’s not a mistake. Pasta alla Norma is named after one of most famous operas by Vincenzo Bellini, who lived in Catania, Sicily, in the first part of 1800s. Legend says that, after trying for the first time this pasta, an actor commented, in local dialect “this is a true Norma!” to express his appreciation.

Pasta alla Norma is not a light recipe, and there’s nothing bad about it! So, please don’t cook the aubergine in the oven: it’s important that you fry it, in good EVO oil.

The other crucial ingredient, that maybe can be difficult to find abroad, is the salty ricotta cheese. I made some homework for you, and the best I could find online is this one:

But now, time to learn how to prepare your first authentic pasta alla Norma! Follow my step-by-step instructions and your guests will be impressed… 100% guaranteed!

And if you want to be sure to find it next time you want to cook it, now you can pin it (just visit my blog for this).

Pasta alla Norma

For the detailed step-by-step recipe, please visit:

This pasta can be the main of your meal, since it is a well balanced recipe, including fats, proteins and of course carbo. After that, my suggestion is to end the meal sipping a wonderful homemade limoncello, like you would do in Sicily. If you haven’t yet, try my limoncello recipe here, and you won’t regret!

Buon appetito!

Originally published at on October 23, 2022.

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Italian, in my 40s, in love with literature and cooking. Owner of, the blog to share real Italian food!